
Peer-reviewed publications

In review/Under revision

Le Chevère S., C. O. Dufour, L. Bopp and M. Lévy (under revisions): Total and anthropogenic inorganic carbon fluxes in the Southern Ocean mixed layer from an eddying global ocean model. Global Biogeochemical Cycles.


N. Planat, L. B. Tremblay, C. O. Dufour and D. Straub (in revision): Seasonal and decadal geostrophic pathways of Pacific and Atlantic Waters in the Arctic Amerasian Basin from observations . Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, accepted.

Rieck, J. K., C. O. Dufour, L.-P. Nadeau, and A. F. Thompson (2025): Heat transport towards sea ice by transient processes and coherent mesoscale eddies in an idealized Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, in press [link].


Jutras, M., N. Planat, C. O. Dufour, and L. Talbot (2024): Machine Learning-based clustering of oceanic Lagrangian particles: identification of the main pathways of the Labrador Current. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 16, e2023MS003902 [link].


Fortin, A.-S., C. O. Dufour, T. M. Merlis and R. Msadek (2023): Geostrophic and Mesoscale Eddy Contributions to the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation Decline Under CO2 Increase in the GFDL CM2-O Model Suite. Journal of Climate, 36, 6481–6498 [link].

Jutras, M., C. O. Dufour, A. Mucci and L. Talbot (2023): Remote control of the retroflection of the Labrador Current. Nature Communications, 14, 2623 [link]. → Selected as one of the top 10 scientific discoveries of the year by the Québec Science magazine [article].


Kelson, R. L., D. N. Straub and C. O. Dufour (2022): Using CMIP6 models to assess the significance of the observed trend in the Atlantic Meridional Overturning Circulation. Geophysical Research Letters, 49, e2022GL100202 [link][preprint].

Decuypère, M., L. B. Tremblay and C. O. Dufour (2022): Impact of ocean heat transport on Arctic sea ice variability in the GFDL CM2-O model suite.  Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans,  127, e2021JC017762 [link][pdf]


Lockwood, J. W, C. O. Dufour, S. M. Griffies and M. Winton (2021): On the role of the Antarctic
Slope Front on the occurrence of the Weddell Sea polynya under climate change. Journal of Climate, 1-56. [link]


Jutras, M, C. O. Dufour, A. Mucci, F. Cyr and D. Gilbert (2020): Temporal changes in the
causes of the observed oxygen decline in the St. Lawrence Estuary. Journal of Geophysical Research –
Oceans, 125, e2020JC016577. [link][pdf]


Sulpis, O., C. O. Dufour, D. S. Trossman, A. J. Fassbender, B. K. Arbic, B. P. Boudreau, J. P. Dunne, A. Mucci (2019): Decreasing bottom-current speeds and seafloor CaCO3 dissolution under a business-as-usual scenario. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 33, 16541673. [link][pdf]

Adcroft, A., W. Anderson, C. Blanton, M. Bushuk, C. O. Dufour and Co-authors (2019): The GFDL Global Ocean and Sea Ice Model OM4.0: Model Description and Simulation Features. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 11, 31673211. [link][open access]

Chen, H., A. K. Morrison, C. O. Dufour, J. L. Sarmiento (2019): Deciphering patterns and drivers of anthropogenic heat and carbon storage in the Southern Ocean. Geophysical Research Letters, 46. [link][pdf]


Yamamoto, A., J. B. Palter, C. O. Dufour, S. M. Griffies, D. Bianchi, M. Claret, J. P. Dunne, I. Frenger, E. D. Galbraith (2018): Roles of the Ocean Mesoscale in the Horizontal Supply of Mass, Heat, Carbon, and Nutrients to the Northern Hemisphere Subtropical Gyres. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 123. [link][pdf]

Tarshish, N., R. Abernathey, C. Zhang, C. O. Dufour, I. Frenger, S. M. Griffies (2018): Identifying Lagrangian coherent vortices in a mesoscale ocean model. Ocean Modelling, 130, 15-28. [link]


Goddard, P., C. O. Dufour, J. Yin, S. M. Griffies, and M. Winton (2017): CO2-induced ocean warming around the Antarctic ice sheet in an eddying global climate model. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 122, 8079-8101. [link][pdf]

Kamenkovich, I., A. Haza, A. R. Gray, C. O. Dufour, Z. Garraffo (2017): Observing System Simulation Experiments for an array of autonomous biogeochemical profiling floats in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Geophysical Research – Oceans, 122, 7595-7611. [link][pdf]

Dufour, C. O., A. K. Morrison, S. M. Griffies, I. Frenger, H. Zanowski, and M. Winton (2017): Preconditioning of the Weddell Sea polynya by the ocean mesoscale and dense water overflows. Journal of Climate, 30, 7719-7737. [link][pdf]

Tamsitt, V., H. Drake , A. K. Morrison , L. D. Talley , C. O. Dufour , A. R. Gray , S. M. Griffies , M. R. Mazloff , J. L. Sarmiento , J. Wang , W. Weijer (2017): Spiraling up: pathways of global deep waters to the surface of the Southern Ocean. Nature Communications, 8, 172. [link][pdf]


Galbraith E. D., J. P. Dunne, A. Gnanadesikan, R. D. Slater, J. L. Sarmiento, C. O. Dufour, G. F. de Souza, D. Bianchi, M. Claret, K. B. Rodgers, S. S. Marvasti (2015): Complex functionality with minimal computation: promise and pitfalls of reduced-tracer ocean biogeochemistry models. Journal of Advances in Modeling Earth Systems, 7, 2012-2028. [link][pdf]

Dufour, C. O., S. M. Griffies, G. F. de Souza, I. Frenger, A. K. Morrison, J. B. Palter, J. L. Sarmiento, E. D. Galbraith, J. P. Dunne, W. G. Anderson, R. D. Slater (2015): Role of mesoscale eddies in cross-frontal transport of heat and biogeochemical tracers in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 45, 3057-3081. [link][pdf]

Griffies, S. M., M. Winton, W. G. Anderson, R. Benson, T. L. Delworth, C. O. Dufour, J. P. Dunne, P. Goddard, A. K. Morrison, A. Rosati, A. Wittenberg, J. Yin, R. Zhang (2015): Impacts on ocean heat from transient mesoscale eddies in a hierarchy of climate models. Journal of Climate, 28, 952-977. [link][pdf]


Majkut, J., B. Carter, C. O. Dufour, T. L. Frölicher, K. Rodgers, J. L. Sarmiento (2014): An observing system simulation for Southern Ocean CO2 uptake. Philosophical Transactions of the Royal Society A,  312, n◦2019. [link]


Zika, J. D., J. Le Sommer, C.O. Dufour, A. Naveira-Garabato and A. Blaker (2013): Acceleration of the Antarctic Circumpolar Current by Wind Stress Along the Coast of Antarctica. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 2772-2784. [link][pdf]

Dufour, C. O., J. Le Sommer, M. Gehlen, J. C. Orr, J.-M. Molines, J. Simeon and B. Barnier (2013): Eddy compensation and controls of the enhanced sea-to-air CO2 flux during positive phases of the Southern Annular Mode. Global Biogeochemical Cycles, 27, 950-961. [link][pdf]


Zika, J. D., J. Le Sommer, C. O. Dufour, et al. (2012): Vertical Eddy Fluxes in the Southern Ocean. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 43, 941-955. [link][pdf]

Spence, P; O. A. Saenko, C. O. Dufour, J. Le Sommer and M. England (2012): Mechanisms maintaining Southern Ocean heat transport under projected wind forcing. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 42, 1923-1931. [link][pdf]

Dufour, C. O.; J. Le Sommer, J. D. Zika, M. Gehlen, J. C. Orr, P. Mathiot and B. Barnier (2012): Standing and Transient Eddies in the Response of the Southern Ocean Meridional Overturning to the Southern Annular Mode. Journal of Climate, 25, 6958-6974. [link][pdf]


Dufour, C. O.; J. Le Sommer, T. Penduff, B. Barnier and M. H. England (2011): Structure and Causes of the Pulsation Mode in the Antarctic Circumpolar Current South of Australia. Journal of Physical Oceanography, 41(2), 253-268. [link][pdf]


Dufour, C. O., I. Frenger, T. L. Frölicher, A. R. Gray, S. M. Griffies, A. K. Morrison, J. L. Sarmiento, and S. A. Schlunegger (2015): Anthropogenic carbon and heat uptake by the ocean: Will the Southern Ocean remain a major sink?. US CLIVAR Variations, Vol. 13, No. 4. [link][pdf]

Academic publications

Dufour C.O. (2011): Rôle des tourbillons de méso-échelle océanique dans la variabilité récente des flux air-mer de CO2 dans l’océan Austral. Ph.D. dissertation, University of Grenoble, France. [link]

Dufour C.O. (2008): Variabilité des propriétés thermohalines des masses d’eau modales et intermédiaires dans l’ACC au sud de l’Australie. Master thesis dissertation, University du Sud Toulon-Var, France