YouTube Channel

My YouTube channel features videos about atmospheric sciences, wind engineering, wind energy, and occasionally mathematics and physics. Some of the videos are more advanced than others; that's just how life is in general.

Atmospheric Science

Wind Engineering

Wind Energy


Broken physics

Media appearences and public speeches

2024, November 14. Happy TV (Serbian), Early Morning Show. Climate change

2024, November 12. PBS Nova. Downbursts

2024, July 16. CTV Montreal . Why are there so many heat waves?

2024, July 16. CBC Radio Let's Go with Sabrina Marandola. Heat waves linked to climate change with Canada’s new tool

2024, July 11. Happy TV (Serbia), Telemaster. In Serbian: Tropski dani u Srbiji tokom jula 2024. godine (Tripical days in Serbia in July 2024)

2024, March 7. CJAD 800 Live. Climate forecasts for Spring 2024 and El Nino

2024, February 27. Quebec Science. La météo à l’ère de l’intensification des événements extrêmes

2023, December 30. CTV National News. Dangerous flood conditions

2023, December 11. CTV News Montreal. A milder winter thanks to El Nino?

2023, December 8. McGill News. Expert: Canada’s winter forecast and the critical factor of El Niño

2023, November 17. Science Outreach Program at McGill University: Presentation for Dawson College students in Encriched Science program. The atmosphere and oceans around us

2023, September 4. Science News: How thunderstorms can spawn damaging 'downbursts'

2023, July 26. The Canadian Press published in The Globe and Mail: Heat warnings in Canada: How the alert system for hot weather varies across the county

2023, July 20. CBC Radio One -- Radio Noon Quebec with Leah Hendry: All About Tornadoes

2023, July 11. CBC Radio One -- Let's Go with Sabrina Marandola: Thunderstorms and summer

2023, June 5. Montreal Now on CJAD 800 Live: Rising tide and the tragic fishing accident in Quebec

2023, May 21. 580 CFRA Live: Rising earth temperature and what it means for Canada?

2023, May 17. CBC News: Flirting with climate danger: UN forecasts 2 in 3 chance of briefly hitting key heat limit soon

2022, July 11. Montreal Gazette YouTube Channel: Why is wind so important?

2022, July 11. Montreal Gazette: Hold onto your hats, it's windier in Montreal

2021, April 21. MTL Blog: Why is it snowing in Montreal

2019, March 14. The London Free Press: Ottawa tornado breaks new ground for London researchers [with Dr. Jubayer Chowdhury]