The 8th EnKF Data Assimilation Workshop

Quantitative Precipitation Forecasting with Polarimetric Radar Data Assimilation: Typhoon Soudelor (2015)

Chih-Chien Tsai
Taiwan Typhoon and Flood Research Institute, National Applied Research Laboratories, Taipei, Taiwan

Youngsun Jung
Center for Analysis and Prediction of Storms, University of Oklahoma, Norman, Oklahoma

Poster: 20180507_CCTsai.pdf

Polarimetric radars provide observation variables such as differential reflectivity ($ Z_{DR}$), specific differential phase ($ K_{DP}$) and co-polar correlation coefficient ($ \rho_{HV}$) that probe more microphysical characteristics of hydrometeors in addition to radial velocity ($ V_r$) and horizontal reflectivity ($ Z_H$). To investigate the effects of polarimetric radar data assimilation on simulating heavy rainfall events in Taiwan, an observation operator for $ Z_H$, $ Z_{DR}$ and $ K_{DP}$ in accord with various bulk cloud microphysical schemes is incorporated into a Weather Research and Forecasting (WRF)-local ensemble transform Kalman filter (LETKF) system. The case of Typhoon Soudelor (2015) is selected for its devastating wind and rainfall impinging on northern Taiwan, where Central Weather Bureau’s RCWF S-band polarimetric radar is situated. Comparing five cold-start simulations using different double-moment cloud microphysical schemes with RCWF observations, the one using the WRF double-moment six-class (WDM6) scheme is found to give a clear structure of spiral rainbands with the smallest wet bias. Then, using WDM6, several assimilation experiments are carried out to assimilate various combinations of observation variables for nine 15-minute cycles after a 6-hour spin-up of the same perturbed initial ensemble. The results of deterministic forecasts show that radar data assimilation greatly improves the spatial distribution of predicted rainfall for the first 3 hours within the coverage of RCWF, but deterioration occurs for the second 3 hours beyond the coverage. It is a good choice to assimilate all observation variables while $ K_{DP}$ contributes more than $ Z_H$ which in turn contributes more than $ Z_{DR}$.