Weather Forecasting Club

The Weather Forecasting Club is a student-run organization that welcomes any weather enthusiasts within and outside of the AOS department. We have weekly meetings when we discuss various weather observation and forecasting techniques as well as current and past weather. For more info, contact Yeechian Low (

Weekly meetings for the fall semester will be on Zoom (link) and sometimes also hybrid in BURN 717 at Thursday 5 PM.

For updates, join our Facebook group and contact Yeechian to be included in the group chat.


The WxChallenge is an online-based forecasting contest with ~1000 participants, including students, professors, and meteorologists in industry/government, with numerous schools throughout North America entering teams. We forecast the high and low temperature, total precipitation, and peak wind speed for 10 different cities throughout the year (plus the individual tournament city at the end), changing cities every two weeks.  It is a great way to familiarize yourself with forecasting the weather if you haven’t done so before, or to brush up on your skills if you have. There is no experience requirement for joining the team – all are welcome!

Registration for the 2024-25 season has closed. It will re-open for the spring 2025 semester in January.

MAPLE Nowcast (courtesy of Prof. Frédéric Fabry’s radar research group)